Credit Hound

Richard Reavely, director of Draycir, says that sales of its Credit Hound package have picked up in the last two months.

Credit Hound takes creditor information from Sage and Microsoft Dynamics accounting software and automatically emails creditors when invoices are due, or schedules telephone appointments if an invoice are late.

“Resellers are joining up because they are looking for new products to sell to their existing Sage customers," he says.

However, the biggest technology change by far is undoubtedly Software as a Service (SAAS) offerings from new and established suppliers, even though the majority of traditional accounting software suppliers and resellers continue to insist that SAAS is not happening on their patch.

They give two reasons: their accounting customers see no need for it, and large accounting systems are already integrated into other applications which can only be operated and maintained on a local server or local network.